dont have any title for this

assalamualaikum, ;) 

---huh, i dont know what to story_mory with you guys ;) im doing this , right now , becouse , LOVEYA says that , ( i dah lma x update my bellog ) hadess!! ak bukan tamaw update , msalahnyer , i dont really have something interesting to share T___T   huhu   . . if i want to express my private-personal feeling , do du di do , i go haywire then . . :-p gila jgak , ak takkan  (never and evar) ,  bkak my personal story okess ??? and thats really makes my blogg sooo bored !!! :-( 
baby-confused !! 

is that true ????? 

answer me !!!

huhu ,  ak ad bnyak cter personal , sbb tuh , ak nk amek langkah berjga2 . . CAUTION ... sket .. 
---sbb ak xska cter pribadi aku , jdix -public figure- , , means , , milik owg rmay... ak tamaw itu .

my own is always my own . . nothing to-be-shared about . .  sbb , apa yag aku ad , harta satu2nya yag aku sygg , , adlh qesah hdup aku . ~THE REAL ME!!~ ... 

---i knoe, my blog is something booooorriinnkk . .  right3?? huhuh !! ;( 
act, ak xskew cter yg xmmberi input pda readers , biarlh ia a liitle bit personal ( jus sikit jew ) , tpi ad mnyak input .. ... 

---memberi pngajarn !!!

whatevar (!) , i want to chow dlu , apa2 pun . ak xska dilyn sperti principessa ~~~

---assalamualaikum ,
origanality is my prority . .

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